Getting Started

How to customise your chatbot branding & colours

It's important to maintain a consistent brand experience for your customers. In this article we’ll show you how to modify the look and feel of your Maisie chatbots to suit your brand.

When you create a new Maisie account and choose to use the Quick Setup Wizard you'll be asked to configure your chatbot display settings. However, if you choose the Manual Setup option or wish to modify your display settings later you'll need to visit the Website Bot Display Settings screen on your Maisie dashboard. You can find this screen by selecting Website Bots in the left side menu of your dashboard and clicking Display Settings.

You can name your chatbot whatever you like by editing the text in the Bot name field. Common names used by our clients include [Company] Assistant or [Company] Bot.

You can change the bot icon which is displayed in the header of your chatbot window and in front of every message the bot sends to your customers. Simply hover over the existing image and you'll see a change icon link. Click this link and you'll be asked to upload an image file. This file needs to be in png or jpg format, be square in dimensions (e.g. 200x200 pixels) and have a file size less than 300 kilobytes.

You can change your primary bot colour which is used for your chat widget header background and icon as well as for all quick replies and links in your Convo Flows. Simply click the coloured circle to the right of the primary colour field to open up a colour selector. You can choose to enter your preferred colour using HEX, RGB or HSL codes. When you've selected your preferred colour click the coloured circle again to close the colour selector tool.

You can also modify the colour of the text that appears in your chatbot header and in quick reply responses sent by your customers. The default colour is white which works well against most primary colours. However, if you select a light primary colour for your chatbot you might wish to change the secondary colour to something darker to ensure it's easy for your customers to read.

The default font used in all text shown on your chatbot is Roboto. This is a very easy to read font across all screen sizes and devices. However, if you'd like to change it to something more suited to the font used on your website you can choose from 8 other font options.

Your bot will display in the bottom right corner of your website by default, which is the best position to ensure good engagement with your customers. However, if you already have other widgets installed on your website on the right hand side and don't wish to change their position you can set Maisie to display on the left side of your website by clicking the icon on the left under the Bot placement section of this screen. Should you need to make minor adjustments to your bot positioning you can also add padding from the bottom, left and right of the screen.

You are also able to control the frequency with which your chatbot notification displays to the same customer. You can choose to limit notifications to one per session per visitor across your entire site or to display the notification each time they move from one page type to another.

Finally, you can remove the Powered by Maisie branding at the bottom of your chatbot window. However, please note that removing the Maisie branding is not possible during your free trial period or on our bottom two pricing plans.