Sell more products on autopilot

Automatically engage your website visitors 24/7 and turn more browsers into buyers with the conversational sales assistant built for ecommerce stores.

Start my free trial

14 days. No credit card required.

Why use Maisie chatbots for Sales?


Of shoppers leave without buying. Maisie engages them with relevant info and offers.

1 in 5

Visitors abandon due to slow live chat replies. Maisie responds instantly 24/7.


Our clients see increased conversion rates of up to 20% after installing Maisie.

Hi Sarah.
How may I help you today?
Help me choose
Show me what's new
Tell me where my order is
I have a question
Help me choose
How would you like me to find products suitable for you?
Skin type
Skin problem
Skin problem
Which skin problem do you have?
Dry skin
Oily skin
Dark circles
Dry skin
Here are some products that will help rehydrate your dry skin

Help visitors discover the right products

Don't leave your store unmanned. Maisie welcomes your visitors with helpful recommendations to direct them to the right products - and maximise their chances of sticking around.

Maximise conversions with timely engagement

Engage shoppers with the right information for their stage of the customer journey. Offer incentives like free shipping and discount coupons to reduce abandonment and close the sale.

Maximise conversions with timely engagement

Engage shoppers with the right information for their stage of the customer journey. Offer incentives like free shipping and discount coupons to reduce abandonment and close the sale.

"Hallelujah. Maisie has been a breeze to install and straight away we could see website visitors interacting. This has the potential to really increase our conversion rates."

Oscar, Owner at Oscar Razor


“Maisie is an excellent chatbot solution that uses AI. Great for the store owner who doesn't have the time or manpower to staff live chat 24x7. Maisie allows your customers to answer their own questions by using AI and your knowledge base.”

Brian, Owner at Treasured Locks


“As soon as I implemented Maisie on my store website, I was able to convert visitors who were about to exit into paying customers. The integration with Klaviyo is slick and seamless. Highly recommended!”

Lori, Owner at Loskey


“Great app and very good service from the team. Well worth it if you want to assist customers find what they're looking for!”

Ivan, Owner at Chi-ki Jewellery


“Maisie has proven results helping our clients grow their eCommerce businesses. I'd be delighted to show you the ins and outs of the platform and how conversational chatbots can help support your business.”

Shaun Johnson

Co-Founder of Maisie

"Hallelujah. Maisie has been a breeze to install and straight away we could see website visitors interacting. This has the potential to really increase our conversion rates."

Oscar, Owner at Oscar Razor


“Maisie is an excellent chatbot solution that uses AI. Great for the store owner who doesn't have the time or manpower to staff live chat 24x7. Maisie allows your customers to answer their own questions by using AI and your knowledge base.”

Brian, Owner at Treasured Locks


“As soon as I implemented Maisie on my store website, I was able to convert visitors who were about to exit into paying customers. The integration with Klaviyo is slick and seamless. Highly recommended!”

Lori, Owner at Loskey


“Great app and very good service from the team. Well worth it if you want to assist customers find what they're looking for!”

Ivan, Owner at Chi-ki Jewellery


“Maisie has proven results helping our clients grow their eCommerce businesses. I'd be delighted to show you the ins and outs of the platform and how conversational chatbots can help support your business.”

Shaun Johnson

Co-Founder of Maisie

"Hallelujah. Maisie has been a breeze to install and straight away we could see website visitors interacting. This has the potential to really increase our conversion rates."

Oscar, Owner at Oscar Razor


“Maisie is an excellent chatbot solution that uses AI. Great for the store owner who doesn't have the time or manpower to staff live chat 24x7. Maisie allows your customers to answer their own questions by using AI and your knowledge base.”

Brian, Owner at Treasured Locks


“As soon as I implemented Maisie on my store website, I was able to convert visitors who were about to exit into paying customers. The integration with Klaviyo is slick and seamless. Highly recommended!”

Lori, Owner at Loskey


“Great app and very good service from the team. Well worth it if you want to assist customers find what they're looking for!”

Ivan, Owner at Chi-ki Jewellery


“Maisie has proven results helping our clients grow their eCommerce businesses. I'd be delighted to show you the ins and outs of the platform and how conversational chatbots can help support your business.”

Shaun Johnson

Co-Founder of Maisie


Make Maisie more powerful with customisation


Trigger conversations based on business rules like time on page, exit intent, cart value and shipping times.


Display chatbots depending on behaviour, including new vs returning visitors, specific page visits, or basket size.


Customise nearly every element of your chatbot - including content, design, images and conversation flows.

More ways you can use Maisie …


Collect opt-ins and re-engage visitors via Messenger and email to bring them back to your site.


Reduce your support workload and increase customer loyalty with auto-response support.